Thursday, January 15, 2009

Cloud Journalism: Technology-wise yes, but Precarious

Posted by Jane Abao 1/15/2009 7:40:26 PM

In response to "Cloud Journalism and the Fate of Beats"

I have doubts about this cloud journalism thing. While beats allow the reporter to immerse himself in his surroundings and get first-hand information, this cloud thing would have to depend on server credibility. While beat reporting would encourage enriching the news according to the context found by the reporter, CJ depends a lot on those handed down by servers. Lisa Williams’ Global Post, as discussed by Amy Gahran appears more to highlight these discrepancies.

It is technology helping us at the same time giving us liabilities. When misused, this kind of service can give our subject (of all that our readership can constitute) a lot of headaches.

Referring to Amazon's EC2 service, Williams is said for example to describe it as cloud computing, and are opaque. I agree.

Why? “Because you don't care what's in them, just that you get reliable utility from servers and storage that are in the cloud.” That's a quote from Williams.

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